For a multicultural education, learning English is essential. In addition to expanding the possibilities of communication and social interaction, it enhances the access to information in any area of interest. English is the language of the world and its knowledge offers the tools to think on a global scale.
Specialists in neuroscience and language development are unanimous in affirming that childhood is the best time to learn a second language. The sooner, the better, because at this stage of life the areas of the language in the brain overlap, unlike the adult brain.
And the advantages of bilingualism in childhood are not limited to linguistic development. Besides improving communication skills and access to knowledge and new cultures, researchers point to many other benefits in children who speak more than one language, such as:
They are more creative, attentive, task-focused, and better at problem-solving and decision-making skills;
Differentiate with more skill the relevant information from the irrelevant;
Have a greater understanding of the communication needs of their conversation partners;
Learn reading and writing much more easily;
- Develop analytical skills and logical skills earlier.